he / him.....8teen.....august 31 06
srb/eng ok !..entp 8w7 sanchol
i live in serbia and im currently studying interior design & wood finishing . . . glorified carpentry. im also a hobbyist artist & i like working on my oc story though i wouldnt call myself much of a writer >_o in my spare time i also enjoy trying to be as pretentious as possible despite not being very bright. im a big dumb homo, but if you want the lame specifics of it id call myself andro and sapio. in normal words i like masculinity and pompous jackasses.................................................( ◡̀‿◡́)ᕤ✧
about me |
favourite interests, less cool interests... |
keep in mind |
dni byf blah blah blah... |
more! |
!? coming soon... |

this website was made on and intended for a 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) monitor, so it wont work well (or at all) on mobile. use desktop mode to view it. thanks!

the thing about me is that certain interests i either get insanely attached to or grow out of after a few months or less because they just grow boring to me, so it only feels natural to separate them into two sections, this one and this other one. this one will be a lot more yappy and talky talky than the other one, in which ill only really include one or two sentences for a few things. so, in case you dont want to read my giant paragraphs and collect my pages, heres your short summary list:
BBC Sherlock
Yu Yu Hakusho
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Criminal Minds, Pathologic Classic
World of Warcraft & Hearthstone
Marvel (Doctor Strange, Iron-man, Bruce Banner)
Tetora Nagumo specifically. not Enstars itself
Brutalism (brutalism in Belgrade specifically, see here) but I also really love The Architecture of London as well, with Big Ben specifically


this will probably be the only interest i talk about in detail in this section, mainly because i dont have carrd premium and i dont have as much space as id like lolWORKINPROGRESSWORKINPROGRESSWORKINPROGRESSWORKINPROGRESSWORKINPROGRESSWORKINPROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is where ill store the interests i care about a little less than the other ones, and as such this part of my page will be updated more often! >_o

Genshin Impact
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
House MD
Ensemble Stars! (not as much anymore... i dont particularly care for it much anymore)
Ghost Hunt
Ghost Stories
Evangelion (Toji and Kensuke specifically)
Sk8 the Infinity
Paradox Live
Jujutsu Kaisen
Saiki K
The Big Bang Theory (no i dont care for young sheldon its slop)
Balance Unlimited
More to be added with time!

i also like music believe it or not . . . heres a list of some of my spotify playlists! theyre pretty new because i usually only listen to my liked stuff, so theyre constantly being updated!

BOX (Michael Giacchino, David Arnold & Michael Price, Depeche Mode & more . . .)
i also have multiple OC playlists on my profile with many different artists like Men At Work, a bunch of classical music, more Depeche Mode, ABBA, and a whole lot more! you can see them on my profile :)

this will be a very long one by the way . i dont rly care if u read the BYF just read the DNI
okay, so first things first. standard DNI applies here as it does basically anywhere else. dont be a nonce, dont be racist, dont be a moron TLDRi have a really stupid list of medias i dislike for mostly no reason other than either someone i dislike likes them or theyre worse versions of something i do like a lot. these are Elementary, Moriarty the patriot, HunterxHunter. i dont really mind if you like these medias, id just rather not interact with people who actively post and talk about them, since i avoid seeing them as much as i cani block very freely, and i genuinely encourage most people to do the same, because its much better for you than interacting with people you dislike. i try not to be a huge bellend at least, so i dont block people i actively interact with for no real reasonnow the most important part of this DNI. for most of my public accounts, the age range of 16-17+ works most fine, but for my private accounts (instagram, twitter) id ask most people who follow me to be 18+. i dont mind if youre 16-17 on instagram, but its an important thing on twitter. ill still interact with my minor mutuals but dont expect some big bonding friendship.
blankbut tony, youre only 18 as of making this carrd! 16-17 is only 2/1 years!
yes, but ill keep meeting new people who might be 16-17, and im not getting any younger. expect this DNI to be fully set to 18+ in about two years or so

i promise despite the fact im about to come off as the biggest cunt in the universe here right now, im friendly im friendly i promise i promise Okay i sound like a dog. but my point is i promise im not a giant asshole despite the fact i do like to hate a lot ... i am friendshipfulokay, the big thing to get out of the way is im a total narc
i dont say this to sound like some Oh... I...I'm a narcissist... I... I'll manipulate you... 😈 fucking loser, but instead its more about the fact that, as simply as possible, i dont really care about most things unless they impact me in some way or theyre really fucked up. so naturally if youre some big bleeding heart its probably best we dont really interact too much beyond casualstuffwith that out of the way just because im a narc doesnt mean im a fucking idiot. everyone has their limits and so do i, and theres some things i simply wont tolerate because theyre either fucked up in some bigger picture & to me personally or they just piss me off, so do keep in mind i have a bit of a ghosting tendency, but this also tends to be a completely unintentional thing on instagram specifically because i never get any notifications. but i think the difference will be pretty obvious. but keep in mind i dont really ghost people for no reason, and this will probably be after whatever issue we have is talked about and unresolved. ill do my best to bring up any issues i have since im confrontational enough, and i expect the same in return. were talking and you have an issue with me or something i did? let me know and ill do my best to fix it/not repeat it with you/etcas you can see, i talk about myself a lot. i expect most people to talk about themselves when they want to talk about themselves, so dont take it personally if i dont ask a million questions about your day and just go on about mine. just start talking about yourself and lead the conversation that way! i promise its very easyalso this isnt an important thing at all but it happens whenever i meet people. i go by tony but toni works perfectly well but i mostly prefer it being used in serbian rather than english because it doesnt look right. however my name is not anthonyyyyy😭pleas😭eeeee